Report on Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2023 and Indicator 2: Incidence of Nonfatal Victimization at School and Away From School

This report is the 26th in a series of annual publications produced jointly by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Institute of Education Sciences, Department of Education. It provides summary statistics to inform the nation about current aspects of crime and safety in schools. The report compiles key findings from a variety of data sources, including national surveys of students, teachers, principals, and postsecondary institutions. It also presents data on elementary and secondary student and teacher victimization; school environment; fights and weapons; safety, security, and mental health practices; and postsecondary campus safety and security. Indicator 2: Incidence of Nonfatal Victimization at School and Away From School includes data from BJS’s National Crime Victimization Survey. Each of the 23 indicators is presented separately, and all indicators can be found in the Condition of Education at NCES.
